Although the natural color of the teeth is different and very individual for everyone, this does not mean that all yellow teeth are unhealthy, nor that pearly white teeth are completely healthy If the yellowing is caused by poor oral hygiene, tobacco, coffee, tea, plaque or certain medications, you may have damaged the natural layer of enamel
WATCH VIDEO: The toothbrush of the future cleans teeth in 10 seconds But there are ways to restore the brightness of your smile with a few natural foods Tips'n'tricks brings ten ideas on how to whiten teeth naturally
1 Pineapple and orange Did you know that you can whiten your teeth with fruit? Fruits and vegetables contain organic acids that can help maintain the color of teeth, but some of them can lighten teeth by a shade or more
If you want bright teeth, add pineapples and oranges to your shopping list This fruit contains the enzyme bromelain, which promotes teeth whitening
2 Turmeric Turmeric is a strong yellow spice, but it can actually whiten teeth
Among other things, turmeric is used in traditional medicine to fight gum disease and bacteria in the mouth Many also swear by its teeth-whitening abilities
Dip a toothbrush in 1/8 teaspoon of organic turmeric, apply to teeth, leave for 3 minutes, rinse, then brush as usual The results will not be amazing, but it will help some
3 Strawberry Paste The citric and malic acids found in strawberries are also great for removing stains
Make a paste of one strawberry and 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda, apply it on your teeth and leave it for five minutes Then rinse and enjoy the new shine of your smile
4 Hydrogen Peroxide You have to be very careful with the chemical that is an ingredient in bleach
However, you can add a small amount to your homemade toothpaste, using its whitening power to whiten your teeth Here's the recipe: 4 tablespoons of baking soda, tablespoons of coconut oil, 2 tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide, 10 drops of cinnamon oil, 10 drops of clove oil, a few drops of stevia and baking soda
Apply and rub the teeth, then rinse well 5
Baking soda The most versatile kitchen ingredient is baking soda This multipurpose miracle can also whiten teeth
Mix a few teaspoons of baking soda with a little water or lemon juice to make a paste, apply it to your teeth, leave it for a minute and rinse 6
Activated charcoal Have you ever used black toothpaste? The active ingredient in this teeth whitening solution is activated charcoal This substance adheres to tannins that stain teeth and are found in almost every food and drink
With continued use, it is proven to whiten teeth You can make your own powerful whitening agent at home by mixing a small capsule of activated charcoal with a small amount of water
Apply to teeth, leave for a few minutes, then rinse 7
Banana Peel The inside of a banana peel is full of excellent vitamins and minerals like potassium, magnesium and manganese, which have been found to help reduce tooth enamel stains Rub the peel on your teeth, let it sit for 10 minutes keeping your lips away from your teeth so you don't take it off, then brush your teeth
8 Coconut Oil The lauric acid in coconut oil helps remove bacteria from the teeth and gums, while also holding onto toxins and pulling them out of the teeth
Regular application of oil on the teeth will reduce plaque and stains What do you need to do to reap the benefits of this powerful medicine? Simply swish a tablespoon of coconut oil in your mouth for about 15 minutes, then spit it out
You will have to repeat this once a day if you want to see results 9
apple cider vinegar If you smear your teeth with apple cider vinegar before brushing, you will whiten them Just don't do it regularly, as too much vinegar can actually damage the enamel
If you do this occasionally, you get a powerful teeth whitening tool 10
Bentonite Clay Just like activated charcoal, bentonite clay will bind to stains on the surface of your teeth and help remove them It is also full of vitamins and minerals that help strengthen tooth enamel
Most read articles You will have to repeat this once a day if you want to see results 9
apple cider vinegar If you smear your teeth with apple cider vinegar before brushing, you will whiten them Just don't do it regularly, as too much vinegar can actually damage the enamel
If you do this occasionally, you get a powerful teeth whitening tool 10
Bentonite Clay Just like activated charcoal, bentonite clay will bind to stains on the surface of your teeth and help remove them It is also full of vitamins and minerals that help strengthen tooth enamel
Most read articles You will have to repeat this once a day if you want to see results 9
apple cider vinegar If you smear your teeth with apple cider vinegar before brushing, you will whiten them Just don't do it regularly, as too much vinegar can actually damage the enamel
If you do this occasionally, you get a powerful teeth whitening tool 10
Bentonite Clay Just like activated charcoal, bentonite clay will bind to stains on the surface of your teeth and help remove them It is also full of vitamins and minerals that help strengthen tooth enamel
Most read articles Bentonite Clay Just like activated charcoal, bentonite clay will bind to stains on the surface of your teeth and help remove them It is also full of vitamins and minerals that help strengthen tooth enamel
Most read articles Bentonite Clay Just like activated charcoal, bentonite clay will bind to stains on the surface of your teeth and help remove them It is also full of vitamins and minerals that help strengthen tooth enamel
Most read articles
Fruits and vegetables contain organic acids that can help maintain the color of teeth, but some of them can lighten teeth by a shade or more If you want bright teeth, add pineapples and oranges to your shopping list This fruit contains the enzyme bromelain, which promotes teeth whitening 2 Turmeric Turmeric is a strong yellow spice, but it can actually whiten teeth Among other things, turmeric is used in traditional medicine to fight gum disease and bacteria in the mouth Many also swear by its teeth-whitening abilities Dip a toothbrush in 1/8 teaspoon of organic turmeric, apply to teeth, leave for 3 minutes, rinse, then brush as usual The results will not be amazing, but it will help some 3 Strawberry Paste The citric and malic acids found in strawberries are also great for removing stains Make a paste of one strawberry and 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda, apply it on your teeth and leave it for five minutes Then rinse and enjoy the new shine of your smile 4 Hydrogen Peroxide You have to be very careful with the chemical that is an ingredient in bleach However, you can add a small amount to your homemade toothpaste, using its whitening power to whiten your teeth Here's the recipe: 4 tablespoons of baking soda, tablespoons of coconut oil, 2 tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide, 10 drops of cinnamon oil, 10 drops of clove oil, a few drops of stevia and baking soda Apply and rub the teeth, then rinse well 5 Baking soda The most versatile kitchen ingredient is baking soda This multipurpose miracle can also whiten teeth Mix a few teaspoons of baking soda with a little water or lemon juice to make a paste, apply it to your teeth, leave it for a minute and rinse 6 Activated charcoal Have you ever used black toothpaste?