Adulthood and business capacity are not the only conditions that Croatian political parties, of which there are currently around 160, require from potential members, but they are determined according to the times according to some new phenomena, one of which is corruption Although the majority of parties do not allow double membership, there are exceptions, and some have prescribed a 'trial period' for potential members
HDZ, which recently stipulated in the Code of Ethics that its members must be focused on promoting zero tolerance for corruption in order to prevent, suppress, expose and sanction all its forms, is not the only party that has clearly defined itself against corruption in the party document This was also done by other, mostly younger parties, which stipulated that they did not want to see persons convicted of corruption among their members
Zero tolerance for corruption Thus, no one can enter the ranks of the Center and the New Left who has been legally convicted of corruption, but also of economic and organized crime, acts against freedom and human rights, etc Although he did not explicitly write it down, neither the Homeland Movement (DP) "defends" membership to those convicted of corruption
Namely, a person convicted of a criminal offense for which the proceedings are conducted ex officio, including corruption, cannot become a member of the party In Most, membership ends on the date of finality of the court decision for criminal offenses for which he is prosecuted ex officio
Glas expects its members to have zero tolerance for corruption, but also for crime, discrimination, violence and exclusivity HDZ members are also required to work for the common good in their political activities, act honorably, honestly, conscientiously, responsibly, dedicated and selfless
Dual membership, secret services and the League of Communists Common to most parties is that they do not allow dual membership, but there are exceptions Thus, a member of the New Left (NL) can be a member of another party, except when he is running in elections for party bodies or is a party candidate in elections
In justified, or in some cases, double membership is allowed by the Center and IDS, the highest party bodies decide on the justification of such requests And the Ključ Hrvatska party, renamed the Living Wall, does not allow membership in another party, except with the special written permission of the party president, in this case Ivan Vilibor Sinčić
Karolina Vidović Krišto's recently founded party Decision and Justice (OIP) has announced that it will ask potential members to declare their possible membership in the secret services of totalitarian systems, then their participation in the process of conversion and privatization, and whether they have been convicted and for which crimes The Croatian Party of Rights (HSP) also has a fence against those who were members of the repressive apparatus and the League of Communists of Yugoslavia
It will not be accepted "especially those who were SKJ officials, members of the repressive apparatus and those who offended Croatian national interests" Mozemo: Six months of probation, Most: One year of active work To become a member of the Mozemo party, one must agree with its acts, program and goals, but also be involved in the party's activities for at least six months through work in local, thematic or operational groups
A written application for membership can only be submitted after that period has passed, and the Board of Directors, when making a decision on admission to membership, must request an opinion on the application from the local, thematic or operational group in which the person is active According to the Code of Ethics, members of Mozemo who hold positions in the legislative or executive power may not receive a gift worth more than HRK 300 or a privilege that creates well-founded doubts about the impartiality of their duties
Each member of Mozemo has the right to present a complaint to the Board of Directors about the actions of another member with an explanation, and if the complaint is founded, it may lead to a warning or exclusion from the party Most, on the other hand, stipulated in the Statute that a person who had previously actively participated in the work of the associate bodies of the Bridge for at least one year can be proposed for its membership
In addition to the usual rights and obligations of members, which are similar in all parties, such as the right to vote and be elected to all party bodies and participate as a candidate at all levels of elections, there are exceptions in the SDP Statute SDP: No candidacy in elections until rehabilitation Thus, a member of SDP has no right to be elected to party bodies or to be a candidate in any elections if he has been legally convicted of a criminal offense until rehabilitation
Also, the Statute mandates that a member against whom criminal proceedings have been initiated is obliged to notify the Secretary General without delay As a rule, such cases end with the arbitrary exit of the suspect from the party due to damage to the reputation of the party, such as the former mayor of Nova Gradiška Vinko Grgić, the suspect in the Janaf affair or the former mayor of Čakovec Stjepan Kovač due to the case of false threats
The social democrats accept into their ranks persons "for whom there is a conviction that they will successfully implement the Statute and the party's policy and that their actions will contribute to its reputation"