Zero tolerance for corruption Thus, no one who has been legally convicted of corruption, but also of economic and organized crime, acts against freedom and human rights, etc , can enter the ranks of the Center and the New Left
defends membership of those convicted of corruption Namely, a person who has been convicted of a criminal offense for which proceedings are conducted ex officio, including corruption, cannot become a member of the party
In Most, membership ceases on the day the court decision for criminal offenses for which he is prosecuted ex officio becomes final Zero tolerance against corruption, but also against crime, discrimination, violence and exclusivity, Glas expects from its members
HDZ members are also required to work for the common good in their political activities, act honorably, honestly, conscientiously, responsibly, dedicated and unselfish Dual membership, secret services and the Communist League Most parties have in common that they do not allow dual membership, but there are exceptions
Thus, a member of the New Left (NL) can be a member of another party, except when he is a candidate in the elections for party bodies or is a candidate of the party in the elections In justified, that is, in some cases, dual membership is allowed by the Center and IDS, the justification of such requests is decided by the highest party bodies
And the Kljuch Hrvatska party, renamed Živi zid, does not allow membership in another party, except with the special written permission of the party president, in this case Ivan Vilibor Sinčić thematic or operational groups
Only after the expiry of that period can a written request for membership be submitted, and the Board of Directors, when making a decision on admission to membership, must request an opinion on the request from the local, thematic or operational group in which the person is active According to the Code of Ethics , members of Mozo who hold positions in the legislative or executive branch may not receive a gift worth more than HRK 300 or a privilege that creates well-founded doubts about the impartiality of the performance of duties
Each member of Moze has the right to present a complaint to the Board of Directors about the actions of another member with an explanation, and if the complaint is well-founded, it can lead to a warning or exclusion from the party actively participated in the work of the collaborating bodies of Most